^KINDLE ☠ Human Omega: Married to the Barbarian Prince (Pykh #4) ⇯ PDF eBook or Kindle ePUB free

^KINDLE ↯ Human Omega: Married to the Barbarian Prince (Pykh #4) ↛ Carter is the Omega from the Stars.

He's magical (probably). Beautiful (definitely). And his exotic name is difficult to pronounce. He's either going to save the fleaf'akhie home world from invaders, or he's an invader himself in disguise, sneaking into the city!

One thing is for sure: he chose his mates for battle, not love. Siel is a fabled war hero, fierce and capable. And Pykh? He's the muscle of the group. The brainless barbarian can't even count coins. He's a wild-man from who-knows-where.

How can such a family ever conform to fleaf'akhie society? How can Council Leader Ruahyr let such a dangerous group past the gate?

Well, he's seven months pregnant with a fleaf'akhie child, so someone has to let him in... The Gaza Kitchen or he's an invader himself in disguise Pill Sovereign Reborn: Action Adventure Novel ( Wuxia Cultivation Time Travel Fantasy Book 4 ) sneaking into the city!

One thing is for sure: he chose his mates for battle Rage of the Phoenix not love. Siel is a fabled war hero The Baron Goes Fast fierce and capable. And Pykh? He's the muscle of the group. The brainless barbarian can't even count coins. He's a wild-man from who-knows-where.

How can such a family ever conform to fleaf'akhie society? How can Council Leader Ruahyr let such a dangerous group past the gate?

Well Lea Vol he's seven months pregnant with a fleaf'akhie child Blind Spot so someone has to let him in...

25 thoughts on “Human Omega: Married to the Barbarian Prince (Pykh #4)

  1. Odette Ott Odette Ott says:

    1. She's still writing it; at least in march 2022 she was active on patreon, with 50 chapters or so finished, from which first 10 are on free. Why would you give it 1 star?
    2. Also, in those comments, is mentioned a 5th book.

  2. winter winter says:

    3.75 stars

    I feel like this book could’ve been a little shorter, though I don’t mind too much since I love being in this universe. It’s very slice of life and filled with a lot of mpreg/raising kids. There’s a bit of a disjointed feel as it jumps from moment to moment. It wraps up a HFN for Carter’s family while setting the stage for future spinoffs.

    The author mentioned having a hard time these past few years, and I think it shows in the writing. It’s great at times, a little rough in others, but ultimately I’m proud of Eileen for wrapping up this series and taking me on this journey.

    Spice: 3-4/5
    Angst: 3/5

  3. Mel Mel says:

    As of January 2023, up to Chapter 56 on Patreon.

    She's okay. At least, well enough to still be writing.
    I know I was worried for a while there. A casual look at her Twitter, Facebook, or blog stopping in 2020 would have one fearing the worst. The quiet tragedy of social media connections gone silent that year. I know I breathed a sigh of relief to find her Patreon still active. I check it now and then. We're glad you're okay, Eileen.

  4. D'Arcy Arden D'Arcy Arden says:

    Loved the series so far. Can't wait for the fourth book.
    Giving this a Five Star to counteract the people giving it One Star for simply not existing yet.

  5. ~David~ ~David~ says:

    This was everything I wanted and more!! Worth the wait! We get a thorough exploration of Siel, Carter, and Pykh's life together over the course of almost 6 years. The worldbuilding in this series, which I really love (and think stands above a lot of romance series), is expanded upon even more in this book.

    It's a bit action/suspense like the first 3 books, but this one veers more into political/interpersonal drama mixed with slice of life while setting up further stories in this universe. I'll be reading every single book she releases day one! This has become one of my favorite series.

  6. Barbara➰ Barbara➰ says:

    It feels like we've waited ages for this book. I know the author has had some rough times, and I was so happy to hear they were doing better and this was going to be released. I did a reread of the series before diving into this one.

    Please know that I believe the author put their heart and soul into this book for the readers, and that's why I hate to say I'm a little disappointed. Don't get me wrong—I love that we got more Carter, Pykh, and Siel along with the other guys getting their HEAs—but there were things that really annoyed me.

    As I understand it, the author released chapters on Patreon as they went and it shows. The chapters weren't cohesive, and I hated the time jumps. There were so many things that could have been fleshed out and expanded on instead of "telling" us what happened.

    I would have much rather the author had taken their time and given us multiple books. I could read twenty more of t...

  7. Vanessa Vanessa says:

    Sorry, but at this point, will the book ever come out?

  8. OneDayI'll OneDayI'll says:

    So many time skips

    This felt like half a story. And the POVs of some characters are oddly done. And this may seem like an odd sticking point, but why do we hear about Carter's long then short hair but we never read about him having to shave? Not a single mention of stubble but we get far too many fart scenes. The skips were beyond frustrating. We just learn about the pregnancy and then bam he's due. Then the baby is a toddler. This could have been better fleshed out and become 2-3 books while playing up the political intrigue, the reunions, the adjustments in the family, the hormone thing fathers do, giving us more insight into omega social structures, we could have actually seen him at the priory, we could have seen these new inventions, seen Pykh begin his new career, how Seil's dad did after the fall, R learning to be a parent again, ... Everything just rushed by like a bullet train on a deadline. And I reall...

  9. Mattie Mattie says:

    Loved Book 3. Waiting for the fourth book where we get the HEA. Giving this a Five Star to counteract the idiots giving an unpublished book one star.

  10. Sandra Sandra says:

    I read the first 3 books in short order after having stumbled upon book 1 as a freebie. And even though this 4th book took a while to be available, it was pretty simple to jump right back into it.

    Fascinating world building. This book is mostly taking place after Carter, Siel and Pykh escape to a stronghold (past a gate) from the Muds, and Carter is pregnant. The societal rules that apply here are odd at best, but certainly work within the world the author has built. I quite enjoyed watching Carter and his two mates figure out how to live when not constantly scanning the skies and the horizon for the evil invaders, and how they bonded with their child. Political intrigue notwithstanding, I loved how Pykh comes into his own. Though I will tell you that the revelation that comes at about 65% was shocking, even though there was probably enough foreshadowing and hinting in the first 3 books, including whenever Pykh tells Carter and ...

  11. Plumpka Plumpka says:

    Ubolewam, że to już koniec serii. Wprawdzie autorka obiecuje, że w uniwersum powstaną jeszcze inne historie, ale w tej chwili czuję głód.
    Fantastycznie mi się czytało. Pierwsza część była trudna, ponieważ musiałam przestawić się na sposób myślenia, kulturę i obyczaje innej rasy, ale od drugiej części utonęłam w świecie fleaf’akhie i nie miałam ochoty z niego wychodzić.
    Zafascynowała mnie koncepcja autorki, w której najpotężniejszą siłą społeczną i polityczną są omegi - rzadkie i fizycznie słabsze, ale dające nowe życie i z tego powodu najcenniejsze. Sposób, w jaki "ludzki omega" Carter wpasował się w życie obcej rasy, był momentami zabawny, momentami poważny, ale zawsze wciągający. Myślę, że nigdy nie zapomnę fragmentu, jak mały człowiek terroryzował ogromnych wojowników fleaf’akhie toaletową szczotką.
    Książki mają słabsze fragmenty, niekiedy wręcz zbędne (...

  12. Cara Cara says:

    Not one character was properly described.

    This didn't age well.

    And you can tell by the first few chapters. The writing is sloppy and badly done. It does get better but I felt like it was almost a DNF with estimated "11hrs read time"
    Even the main 3 didn't seem like a couple at all in the first few chapters.

    The chapters weren't consitant, some ranging from 5 pages to others with 20+.

    The worst part was lack of descriptions. Who knows what these "space cats" even look like. "Danhiel looks like a mix of Carter and Siel" oh great...and that is??
    They aren't explained except the constant rinse and repeat "tail and crest"
    Even Carter. Not one mention of even his hair colour.

    The plot and reason for what they're doing isn't gone back over, what bugs? What battle ship?

    The characters are just...meh now.

    So many issues it was off putting...

  13. Arianna Arianna says:

    Being a huge fan of this series for years it was so fulfilling to not only be a Patreon but seeing this final book come out! Eileen was able to craft a world that seamlessly built in great romance while not skimping on the lore and history of the world itself. She was able to craft a culture with language and customs that I easily began to become interested in and understood well as the story progressed. This last book was fun to learn even more about the history of this planet and see the final chapter of Carter and his family! Definitely hoping she continues to create more stories for this world in the future!

  14. Ari Rios Ari Rios says:

    I liked this book, but I do think it could have been so much better.
    There was so much time skipping that it felt rushed and incomplete despite it being pretty long. It could have been divided into different books to make space for those skipped over moments because they were important. I also think a lot of things were mentioned over and over again that weren't really needed. Just one example they lick the nose and face to kiss and find Charters way of kissing weird because you can't taste anything with pressing your lips together.

    There are spoilers in this

    The last book ended with them fighting for the ship and winning and finding out Carter is pregnant.
    Then it skips about a month into the future and they are flying away. This might be a nitpick, but how did they clean the spaceship?
    All of how they got the remaining soldiers from the muds base was completely skipped over, unless I missed it, th...

  15. Courtney Courtney says:

    I Give this Book a 4.5-5/5 Star Rating, Listing as 5.

    HEA(?): Yes
    Relationship Type: MMM
    Heat: 4/5
    Romance: 5/5
    Pacing: Slow-Mid
    Drama: 4.5-5/5
    Suspense: 4/5

    No Spoilers!

    This book was just fantastic! I’m so glad to see Carter, Siel & Pykh’s Story. This is their last book (possibly) but There will be more books in sight for this Fantastic Universe!
    I devoured this book as fast as I possibly could, despite wishing for more special moments in time in this book, it’s even better than I expected.
    I seriously can’t wait for more! 😍

    I really hope this series gets narrated by Joel Leslie!
    I tried my best to hear his voice internally 😆 as I read cause the way he voices the characters in the previous books were so freaking good! 🤞

  16. Proudbookworm Proudbookworm says:

    Book 3 was fun and moved the story forward. Waiting for the fourth book where we hopefully will get the HEA. Giving this a Five Star to counteract the impatient, sad individuals giving an unpublished book one star.

  17. Tabby Tabby says:

    Was I a little disappointed? Yes! But only because I was hoping for more action and battles with the invaders!

    Otherwise, this was a pretty sweet send-off for our favourite threesome. Domestic life looks good on them.

    I look forward to more books set in this world.

  18. Shannon Shannon says:


    Oh man, I can’t tell you how much I’ve loved this series. The wait for this book was long but worth it. You get to see Carter’s pregnancy and birth and settling into a more relaxed family life that is not without its share of drama, especially with the complex omega Ruahyr. Auk and Affek’s lovers and the once-loathed General Iethuth, all get their own happily ever after. I loved how Carter and his mates found their post-war places in society.

    I will tell you I do have a few minor complaints. 1- it’s not ever explained why and who made Carter able to carry children. 2- I want to know more about the child Carter is carrying at the end of the book.

    But I’m really happy about this book. It ends on a super positive note even though there’s no big end to the bug-invader war it’s implied that things are turning in their favor. And that’s enough. I don’t think I woul...

  19. Johnna Stubbs Johnna Stubbs says:

    Space Marines and Sexy Cats

    Years ago, I read Omega Society Auctions and was intrigued with the blue aliens with colorful hair and who smelled like candy. The most impressive thing about it was Eileen Glass’s ability to make her world so vivid that you were pulled into the plot. So, when Kindle repeatedly dropped this series into my suggested reading box I decided to give Ms Glass another try and wow…
    Carter is absolutely amazing, funny, and so typically human (but I’m a Space Marine!!) in his approach to every test, obstacle and adventure placed before him and truly relatable! Pyke’s gentleness, loyalty and protectiveness is endearing and heart-wrenching (not foregoing his physical beauty and prowess). He and his trusted ax Thenol are a force to be reckoned with. Siel, a war hero, now captive must learn to trust himself again and lead the next wave of resistance with strength, strategy and skill. Th...

  20. Missy~ Missy~ says:

    A really great story

    This was a really great story. I enjoyed all the points of view. I was surprised that I even enjoyed the points of view from Auk and Ruahyr.
    I am sorry to hear that there is no more Carter books planned and there is an Ov’ielk book, he is my least favorite character. I don’t know why, but he is the least appealing to me and I found him even a little bit annoying.
    But I love the “space cats” planet and of course I will read any stories in that world that Eileen glass publishes.
    One of the reasons for a one star deduction, is that horribly abrupt ending . It didn’t feel like a true epilogue. It felt way too abrupt.
    But on the whole, it was excellent, I loved that she included Carter’s birth story, did Carter nurse his children? that was never really clarified. And if he had twins, who helped because if three was barely enough for one Fleaf’ahkie baby, then t...

  21. May May says:

    4.5 So happy to finally get to read this book. It's the last book for Carter & his mates, and I'm so happy to get to see their HEA. Or as much as reasonable for the context. I expected a lot more political maneuvering but in the end, it was a lot less of that and a lot more about family.
    It's another long book, with a lot less drama and tension than other titles in the series, and kept me wondering how they were going to get some sort of resolution to the alien invaders storyline up until the very end. It was short but oh so worth it, the item was small, significant and deeply moving for me. So, yeah, it once again ends a bit abruptly but at the same time enough. After all, since you know they are going to be deep in the life of raising kids, they won't be out battling aliens, so you won't be seeing them bringing down the invader's empire. It was enough to make me very happy with this resolution.

  22. Jemiu Jemiu says:

    The titles of these books make no sense!
    I enjoyed this final installment of Carter, Pykh, and Siel's story. It didn't have much of a plot, and yet I was reading each chapter with rapt attention because of how much I love the characters and expansion of the world. It opens the door for so many future stories in this world (in fact, shifts a lot of the pressing plot questions away from our leads and unto side characters to carry the mantle). I love the world the author has created. I was quickly bored by any mention of Carter's children, but the author doesn't linger too much on those parts, thankfully; others may love those moments if they view children in romance books more favorably than I do. Overall, a really nice conclusion that feels almost like a novel-length epilogue to celebrate and expand on the characters.

  23. Suzanne Irving Suzanne Irving says:

    More omegas and fewer bugs

    When this series started it seemed like a fairly typical “human trapped with aliens” story but even from the first book it was deeper and more complex than most of the books of this type. Carter and his guys story has only gotten better and in this fourth book he is pregnant and going to try to fit in with regular fleaf’akhie society. There is a lot less fighting bugs in this volume and we get to see more of how regular citizens live which in the imagination of Eileen Glass is very different from both humans and the fighters of this planet.
    This is another long book that I could hardly put down because it was so engrossing and imaginative. I can’t say enough about how I enjoyed it and I will definitely be re reading the entire series as soon as I have time. I’m happy to hear that she will be writing more about other characters on this world.

  24. CrocCrousti CrocCrousti says:

    I was part happy-part disappointed 😅
    So happy to find back this deeply loveable characters, and to live their newest adventure.
    A bit disappointed with all the time jumps in the story. I feel like the author wanted to end it but didn’t wanted to writing more books.
    In the end, we learn quite a bit about what happens next.
    I just wasn’t expecting this.
    The ending isn’t making me feel like a next one will come, and I wouldn’t want to read it if it were like this one, unfortunately.
    I felt so deeply in love with Pykh and Carter at first ! I was hopping big adventures, and many detailed scenes with others from the community.
    Spiel is almost too much in the background, no one is trying to seduce either of them, etc.
    I will treasure in my heart the first book that, in my humble opinion, is the best of this serie.

  25. Angela Angela says:

    this one was a bit disappointing and I probably wouldn't have wanted to keep going except that I was already invested in the characters because of the previous books. I kept the expecting the political stuff to have more consequences or even to have a more decisive climax. I also have a question or two that feel like they never get answered because they are just a random thought by the human omega and we never get the answer. Which I guess means that I'm free to make one up to satisfy myself.

    This wasn't a bad read just a bit disappointing. Am still glad it exists if only as a bit of closure for the series and as a testament to the author's dedication to finish no matter how long it took.