~BOOK ♣ Six of Crows (Six of Crows, #1) ⚈ PDF or E-pub free

~BOOK ⚆ Six of Crows (Six of Crows, #1) ⚖ Ketterdam: a bustling hub of international trade where anything can be had for the right price—and no one knows that better than criminal prodigy Kaz Brekker. Kaz is offered a chance at a deadly heist that could make him rich beyond his wildest dreams. But he can’t pull it off alone. . . .

A convict with a thirst for revenge

A sharpshooter who can’t walk away from a wager

A runaway with a privileged past

A spy known as the Wraith

A Heartrender using her magic to survive the slums

A thief with a gift for unlikely escapes

Six dangerous outcasts. One impossible heist. Kaz’s crew is the only thing that might stand between the world and destruction—if they don’t kill each other first. Just The Man She Needed #1) ⚖ Ketterdam: a bustling hub of international trade where anything can be had for the right price—and no one knows that better than criminal prodigy Kaz Brekker. Kaz is offered a chance at a deadly heist that could make him rich beyond his wildest dreams. But he can’t pull it off alone. . . .

A convict with a thirst for revenge

A sharpshooter who can’t walk away from a wager

A runaway with a privileged past

A spy known as the Wraith

A Heartrender using her magic to survive the slums

A thief with a gift for unlikely escapes

Six dangerous outcasts. One impossible heist. Kaz’s crew is the only thing that might stand between the world and destruction—if they don’t kill each other first.

30 thoughts on “Six of Crows (Six of Crows, #1)

  1. Elle (ellexamines) Elle (ellexamines) says:

    Edit update or whatever I watched the Netflix show I'm on episode four and oh my god it's really good. It's really really fun and I can feel my brain leaking out of my ears whenever I see Inej and Kaz interact with each other.


    Five solid stars. This book pulled me in from the beginning, to the point where I knew I'd found a favorite before I was halfway through. Here, Bardugo integrates a creative plot, interesting and morally grey characters, group dynamics and banter, a great writing style, and some really, really prime romance plots. Goddamn, can Leigh Bardugo write romance. There are very, very few books that I love so wholeheartedly. This series truly is my favorite fantasy series of all time. There's no competition whatsoever.


    Bardugo tosses you right into the main plot from the beginning and keeps you en...

  2. Angela Angela says:

    Side effects of reading Six of Crows are, but not limited to: Shortness of breath. Heart palpitations. Nausea. Weak knees. Dehydration. Dizziness. Headache. Heartache. Constant sweating. High blood-pressure. Congestive heart failure.

    “The heart is an arrow. It demands aim to land true.”

    Six of Crows is 185th book I've read this year. Yes, that means this is the book that put me at my goodreads reading goal this year. I am so happy that this is the book that made me hit my mark. It was the perfect book to reach my goal with. The world has been shouting, praying, and calling for diverse reads... Leigh Bardugo has answered. I liked but didn't love the Shadow and Bone trilogy, but it has nothing on this novel. With how much hype is surrounding this book I was oh so worried about reading it. However if Six of Crows isn't my top pick for the year, it will without a doubt at least be in the top five. It was ...

  3. emma emma says:


    ^ That’s me screaming.

    This has been: my full review of Six of Crows. Bye.

    I guess I can elaborate on that, but really it’s going to boil down to the same thing. Which is me screaming.


    I’m only, like, 17% joking. I have no idea how to review this book. I barely even knew how to read this book, due to the fact that it was so devastatingly cool and exciting and unique and addictive that it almost made me illiterate.

    When I first read this book, I loved it. Absolutely aDORED it. I five-starred it and participated in the hype and probably googled fan art exactly one time, which is as far as I ever get in terms of joining a fandom.

    However. That guaranteed absolutely nothing.

    As I have said 3467824628 times, any opinion of mine older than approximately 18 months cannot be trusted. I am on a continua...

  4. Emily May Emily May says:

    Trickery is not my native tongue, but I may learn to speak it yet.

    I was scared to start {site_link}Six of Crows. The hype surrounding it has been HUGE, the blurb sounded intriguing, I've been eagerly anticipating it, and I liked but didn't love {site_link}Shadow and Bone. Honestly, though? I needn't have worried. This book is fantastic.

    {site_link}Shadow and Bone has been called fantasy-lite, but there is absolutely nothing about {site_link}Six of Crows that warrants such a label. It's a sweeping epic tale with six main characters, five perspectives, complex and detailed world-building that is seamlessly integrated into the story, flashbacks to the characters' histories, and a wonderful blend of darkness, magic, action, humour and romance.

    In the hands of a less skilled author, this could have been a mess. But Bardugo crafts each of her characters with love and sensitivity, allowing t...

  5. Khanh, first of her name, mother of bunnies Khanh, first of her name, mother of bunnies says:

    The heat of the incinerator wrapped around Inej like a living thing, a desert dragon in his den, hiding from the ice, waiting for her. She knew her body’s limits, and she knew she had no more to give. She’d made a bad wager. It was as simple as that. The autumn leaf might cling to its branch, but it was already dead. The only question was when it would fall.

    Let go, Inej. Her father had taught her to climb, to trust the rope, the swing, and finally, to trust in her own skill, to believe that if she leaped, she would reach the other side. Would he be waiting for her there? Let go, Inej. Should she jump now or simply wait for her body to give out?
    My mind is spinning. I tend to prefer simplicity in books. I hate a ridiculously complicated plot. I hate unnecessary characters. For the Young Adult genre, this book can best be described as epic, because. It. Is. Huge. It is complicated. It's like Ocean's Eleven<...

  6. Tharindu Dissanayake Tharindu Dissanayake says:

    "The deal is the deal."

    Wow! I did hope for the hype to be real with Six of Crows but this is incredible! Everything about this book was awesome: plot, characters, world-building, writing. I'm having a hard time imagining Six of Crows ever getting a critical review from a reader of any taste. The never ending scheming of Kaz Brekker, supported by the most unique crew imaginable, unfolds one of the most entertaining and original stories I've ever read.

    "Kaz Brekker didn't need a reason."

    The plot begins in a somewhat confusing manner (at least for me, as I haven't read S&B Trilogy), and it does take a couple of chapters to put everything in place. But once beyond that, there aren't any more slow-moving parts in this 'well-oiled-machine'. The exhilarating story is full of suspense and mind-numbing plot twists right till the end. There's also a nice bit of magic, complemented with a little darker atmosp...

  7. Ivan Ivan says:

    Disclaimer:I got few angry messages about my rant on this book saying that is just MY OPINION. Well I thought that text being in box with my name above made that obvious but to avoid confusion I must state that text bellow aren't words God or truths from deep universe only subjective opinion of ruggedly handsome mortal who's name and picture you can see above. I hope this avoids further confusion. /Disclaimer

    So much hype surrounding this book, many positive reviews from my friends yet in the end this book was very underwhelming.

    Let's start with characters. All of them are in their teen which makes little sense. They don't behave like teens (mostly) nor does their age fit the story.
    I couldn't picture them as teen so I didn't. In my head Kaz as 30, Jasper 29, Mathias 32, Nina and Inej in mid-twenties. Everything makes more sense that way and I can't think of reason to put characters in their teens except to appeal to YA consumers. <...

  8. Jessica Edwards Jessica Edwards says:

    Wow..there are no words!
    This took me awhile to write, but I've been meaning to write a long review for awhile.
    So here it is!

    Six of Crows follows six teenagers living in the city of Ketterdam, a city of slums and crime lords.
    Kaz Brekker, an infamous thief (also known as Dirtyhands) is promised a very large sum of money to kidnap Bo Yul-Bayur, a scientist from the Ice Court.
    The Ice Court is the most highly protected place in Fjerda, and Kaz won't be able to gatecrash it alone. He needs a crew.
    He recruits Inej Ghafa. Inej is known for her ability to climb buildings and move across impossible terrain with extreme agility. She's quiet but strong, and she's got quite an interesting background. Inej was kidnapped from her family's caravan and sold to a brothel in Ketterdam. When she eventually escaped, she entered into a contract with Per Haskell, a crime lord in Ketterdam. Inej's goal is to m...

  9. Caz (littlebookowl) Caz (littlebookowl) says:


    What a ride! This was exactly what I needed and so much more. I'm tempted to give this a 4.75 star rating, but I want to mull it over a little while longer. *EDIT* WHO AM I KIDDING? This deserved the full 5 stars. I was a little unsure about the pacing somewhere around the middle of the book, but to be fair it was due to some of the character development, and the characters were my fave part so who am I to resist a little extra time getting to know them?

    Nevertheless, this was so much fun. Loved the heist. Loved the world, especially after having read the Grisha trilogy, it was awesome to explore somewhere new. Most of all, I LOVED the characters. They were all so intriguing with fascinating life stories. They were so distinctive as well, each had such a strong personality and I'm finding it impossible to narrow down to a favourite.

    I cannot wait to jump into Crooked Kingdom an...

  10. NickReads NickReads says:

    you know when you read a story and you get that feeling that you just cannot shake it off, you are so happy and you feel like you are gonna miss this so much in days, months or years to come. You savior the moment between the pages. You immediately want to go back to continue reading it yet you wish the pages were longer to avoid the finish. It is your safe and happy place whenever you think about it. This story is that for me.

    {site_link}If you enjoy my reviews and want to support my writing journey, please consider buying me a coffee. Cheers:)

  11. Cindy Cindy says:

    The only thing I hate about this book is that I didn't read it sooner. There is a learning curve to get through the beginning because of all the unusual names and complicated terminology, but once I got 80 pages in and started understanding what was happening, I loved it. It's dark, moody, occasionally funny, all the while developing background stories and relationships of all 6 main characters. Oh yeah and Kaz and Inej are my fucking jam.

  12. Jesse (JesseTheReader) Jesse (JesseTheReader) says:

    originally read this last year, but decided to re-read it before six of crows! i'm so happy i made that decision. i had forgotten how rich this story is in detail. from the characters, to the world, to the plot, everything is built up so beautifully. the ending still gave me chills and i need crooked kingdom right. now.

  13. jessica jessica says:

    once again, came for the kaz brekker hype; stayed for the jurda crazy grisha, a heist of the century, all the nina/matthias tension, the scheming face, the ‘my ghost would not associate with your ghost’ talk, and of course, the kaz brekker hype.

    in other words, i am (still) absolute trash for this book and leigh bardugo has eternal claim to my soul.

    5 stars

  14. Victoria Aveyard Victoria Aveyard says:

    Mercy, Leigh, mercy. I hit myself in the head with this ARC too many times to count. Buckle up, folks, it's going be a razor-edged night.

  15. Sasha Alsberg Sasha Alsberg says:

    This is the type of book that will blow you away with its words. IT WAS PHENOMENAL!!!!

  16. Christine Riccio Christine Riccio says:


  17. Jesse (JesseTheReader) Jesse (JesseTheReader) says:

    THIS BOOK. I'm trying not to add to the hype pool right now, but like THIS BOOK. IT BLEW ME AWAY. It was unexpectedly brilliant! I WANNA BE IN THE SIX OF CROWS SQUAD.

  18. Whitney Atkinson Whitney Atkinson says:

    finished this at 3:30 AM this morning crying at the line "i will have you without armor, Kaz Brekker, or I will not have you at all."

    i'm addicted ????? yikes ???????

  19. chai ♡ chai ♡ says:

    I don't know if I finished this book or if it finished me.

  20. Zoë Zoë says:

    This book, I like it! *smashes iPad* Another!

  21. She-who-must-not-be-named She-who-must-not-be-named says:

    I wish I could get on a time machine, go back to the day I started reading this book just so I can rejoice it all over again.

    Kaz Brekker, you have my heart.

  22. Warda Warda says:

    Reread x2!

    God bless my shitty memory, BECAUSE THAT ENDING!!!!! Kaz, you cunning motherfucker! I love every single one of these characters, BUT KAZ!! 😭😭😭😭😭
    I’m obsessed!

    It’s been a long time coming and I’m so happy to have reread it. My heart feels full and content and there’s no better mark and feeling a book can leave you with but that.
    And I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: this book is poetry.


    “They're all survivors. They adapt.”

    Well, damn, damn and more damns. I love it when books pretty much leave me too incoherent to write a comprehensive review. And this book just did that.

    This book was genius. Is genius. Poetry. I'm in love. Head over heels. Utterly and wholeheartedly.

    I wasn't the biggest fan of The Grisha Trilogy, but this book was a massive improvement in every si...

  23. karen karen says:


    We are all someone's monster

    this is a very strong series-starter.

    bardugo's tor shorts are among my very favorites of all tor shorts ever, but when i read {site_link}Shadow and Bone, i was a bit confused. no, i was actually shocked. it didn't have the sparkle that characterized her shorts and i was very disappointed. i'm glad i continued with the series, however, because i thought it got better and better as it went along. which is kind of the opposite experience from most reviewers, but i'm just me.

    and maybe i will just be me in this one, but i thought this was fantastic and after a bit of a slow and slightly confusing open, it turned into one of the most fun reading experiences i have had in a while....

  24. Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥ Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥ says:

    How to begin this review?
    How to put into words how much I loved these characters and this book?
    How am I supposed to write down all those many feels?

    And most importantly,
    How can I live with this ache in my chest?

    I have no answer to all of those questions, but I know that I have to write this review!
    So here I go!
    Let’s hope my voice doesn’t falter and pray that my words don’t fail.

    “The heart is an arrow. It demands aim to land true.”

    When I first read about “Six of Crows” I thought that it would be a fun read. You know one of those books that are easy to read and make you laugh. I expected to read a story that was able to enthral me. A story I would enjoy and classify as intriguing.

    “Six of Crows” was all of that and yet it was so much more!!!

    I was not prepared to fall in love with all of those beautiful char...

  25. Katerina Katerina says:

    “This isn't a job for trained soldiers and spies. It's a job for thugs and thieves.”

    Dark and gritty adventure. A bunch of anti-heroes. A dangerous scientist. A nation of witch hunters. Gang wars. Grisha. And {site_link}Leigh Bardugo. That's the recipe for EPICNESS.

    “A gambler, a convict, a wayward son, a lost Grisha, a Suli girl who had become a killer, a boy from the Barrel who had become something worse.”

    The fate of the world is in the hands of six teenagers, six street rats with no family and no one to look for them. They have to break in an impenetrable fortress, free an important prisoner and try not to kill each other. Each of them has his own goals and ambitions, his own agenda, his own life story full of misery a...

  26. Ben Alderson Ben Alderson says:

    OMG MY


  27. Sofia Sofia says:

    I need to stop telling myself I hate this book because it was actually a good three stars better than the vast majority of YA fantasy I've read, so I'll give it the four stars it deserves. Plot twist.

    Inej has so many knives. I'm sure she can spare just one to use to stab me because I wouldn't even be mad.
    Imagine going waffle hopping with Nina. There are least five places in my town alone where you can get quality waffles. This is the only thing I want.
    Matthias is such a soft cinnamon roll. Break that internalized prejudice, we're all rooting for you.
    Wylan needs three hundred (300) hugs. At the minimum.
    Jesper has the sense of humor of a sad Gen Z teenager questioning the purpose of existence.
    But Kaz still gets his edgy quotes from Pinterest, change my mind.

  28. theburqaavenger➹ theburqaavenger➹ says:

    Aaah. To hate a series everyone loves ... feels bad dude. I have been known to have unpopular opinions in the past and my friends just tell me to "lower my expectations" but please answer me : If a book has an average of 4.45 rating, If that book is in the 'favorites' shelf of almost all of your friends, If that book is going to be developed into a TV show, If you open a user on goodreads and they have their username including the words "Kaz" and "Brekker", If they have mentioned in their about section that they will only befriend you 'if' you 'love' this book, If it takes you nearly five minutes to find a one star review of a book ... HOW THE HECK COULD I NOT HAVE EXPECTATIONS?

    I had so many expectations man, now I really wish I could get a refund for all the love and money that I’ve wasted like !! Anyways, i have been putting off writing this review but it was all bottled up and i nearly exploded today/i did explode today and in order to preve...

  29. Steph Sinclair Steph Sinclair says:

    Excellent novel is excellent. Review to come.



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  30. Val ⚓️ Shameless Handmaiden ⚓️ Val ⚓️ Shameless Handmaiden ⚓️ says:

    All the Stars

    So, I’m legit four years late reading this - meaning pretty much everyone else already read this ages ago and there are tons of great reviews out there - so I'll keep this short.

    I’ll just say that this was truly one of the bests books I’ve read in a long time. The plot was like a magical/steampunk/Gangs of New York meets Ocean’s Eleven and the characters were SO magnetic and well-written that I was gripped from page one. Bardugo’s writing, humor, pacing...everything, really, was just so on point. Easily my favorite read of 2019 thus far.

    Side note: This actually sat on my shelf for a really long time and I intended to read it years ago, but just never got around to it. Plus, I think I was worried about the hype killing it for me. But, I’m actually happy I’m only reading it now as this has been a year of very few 5-star reads for me and this totally hit the spot for me when I ne...