↠ View ↠ Peak (Jack Harper Trilogy, 3) by L.C. Barlow ↠ eBook or Kindle ePUB

Peakhurst park Full review on my blog here English I loved it This is an awesome trilogy I enjoyed every minute I spent reading it This final book is an excellent ending How Jack went about saving the world was creative and shows the strength and fortitude she some how found within herself even after her horrible life While I know it s a horror novel it s also fantastical I finely applaud the author and the creativity that was applied to create a masterpiece all It s own. Peak horror I received an ARC and I m voluntarily leaving an honest review English Unfortunately.

Peking garden

I was a huge fan of Pivot and Perish the first two books in the Jack Harper Trilogy and although the concluding part has its moments and imaginative ideas it is not a patch on its magnificent predecessors If you have never heard of Jack Harper I strongly suggest you click back and read the earlier reviews as Peak is almost impossible to review without providing horrendous spoilers Also just to be absolutely clear this conclusion will make less than zero sense unless you have read them in sequence Both sequels pick up the action moments after the immediate conclusion of the predecessor so it should be seen as one continuous story presented in three parts which is played out over a relatively short period of time Considering where Pivot opens with a fascinating inner look at the inner workings of a cult Peak ends up a million and one miles away but lacks the suspense and intrigue from the earlier stages Horror is abandoned and the action edges into the realms of urban fantasy and in doing so much of the wind disappears from the sails However if you have read parts one and two then dive straight into the conclusion this was my least favorite of the 3 books Jack and the rest of the staple characters from the other books are still solid and there was a ton of action in there but it just didn t gel for me It seemed to drag on and it was not as interesting as the other books in the series I really wanted to love this book Some of the imagery and concepts were really fun The hostility between the characters seemed forced and Jack just got to be too much It was almost as though the story got too big to be sustained It was not bad and I would recommend the series as a whole to someone interested in a unique and interesting set of books. Fantasy peacock I received this free copy for my unbiased review English I have loved the series so much but I must confess about two thirds of the way through I felt like this book should have been finished This final installment got way philosophical and preachy then the earlier two did in a way that felt dissonant given the tone of the earlier books I must confess I found myself slogging my way through the last third simply to see what the author was going to do It felt less exciting and much anticlimactic than I expected And since this has always been described as a trilogy I found the ending disappointingly open ended because I m honestly not sure how much of interest can happen in Jack s World given the way everything came together in this book As a result the ending felt unfinished rather than like leaving possibilities open for future installments and it sat oddly with meIt is wild to see how this all came together considering how it all began I would have never guessed after reading the first book that this is the direction the whole series would have taken It s not to say I m disappointed just surprised it felt like it started as horror and ended as religion with journeys through several other genre along the way I found the ride to be uneven than I anticipated and I m not sure that it feels like the ending and the beginning really fit as coherently as one would expect from such a generally well written seriesThanks to NetGalley and the publisher for my obligation free review copy English First she was an acolyte Then a rogue Finally a catalyst. Peaked t waves Now she s declaring war on Hell itself Jack Harper can raise the dead and those she resurrects she also controls She belongs to an ancient race of magical beings called ferrics though she is the first of her kind with this power Having just escaped Jonathon Roth and his kill for hire organization her new target is the demonic Builder architect of damnation She must act fast too because the ferrics last countermeasure a plasmatic weapon is dwindling away Meanwhile her closest confidante the ferric Lutin has come under attack all while her brother Alex joins forces with the Builder to unleash a malevolent new power. Fantasy peacock Dying of poison and scrambling for help Jack turns to an unlikely ally her charismatic and drug addled friend Patrick She must ask him to help with the kill the Builder Whether or not they succeed may not matter because a new threat has joined the battle an evil ferric bathed in blood brimstone and mystery. Fantasy peacock Jack will never quit no matter the odds but deep down she what if the cure is worse than the disease Peak Jack Harper Trilogy 3 While I read the previous two installments in the Jack Harper trilogy and was excited for the conclusion I found Peak to be a bit disappointing While it is a trilogy the three books each seem to have a different tone Unfortunately this one was not a fit for me. Peak prosperity While I enjoyed the mystery of the first novel and still enjoyed the action focused sequel parts of this one felt anticlimactic The prose became repetitive the action was sometimes confusing and the plot felt devoid of tension There was too much happening and too much teleporting around to the point that it felt a bit messy The main plot of this novel also felt like a side plot that got in the way of the story coming to a close That being said I did enjoy the addition of Patrick as a POV I also liked how previous characters returned The way that Barlow recapped the story of the first and second novels within character dialogue was also nicely done Jack remains an interesting character but her journey in this novel feels like it has gone on a bit too long. Peak bioboost C Barlow comes up with in the future as she is clearly imaginative and surely has many ideas up her sleeve I am likely to give any further novels in this world a skip but am certainly open to reading newer concepts from the author I received a free ARC of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Horror park 5 stars which technically pushes it up to 4 but only just My main issue was the characters that we have followed through the series It s not giving away a spoiler that Jack can control anyone that she resurrects from the dead This is a great concept except for the fact that even the most vicious beings that she controls end up as docile puppies that have no fight in them at all this unfortunately took away a bit of the tension I wanted It also turns out she can control things too I ll leave that to the reader to find out here I still found this book very entertaining and enjoyed every minute of it I was just a little let down by the washed out feeling I got from some parts Also for a trilogy it still remained fairly open at the end Will there be on Jack Harper in the future English Sometimes the sales blurb of a book is so good that I am drawn to reading it neglecting some of the important information I should pay attention to as is the case with Peak I did not notice this was the third in a trilogy and once I was over the initial surprise I hoped it would not be too much of an issue. Peakhurst park Even though this is the last book in a trilogy author L C Barlow did not feel the need to overwhelm readers with what had already gone before A sentence here and there inobtrusive yet competently serving as gentle reminders of what had already passed were all we received and it was enough I found myself caught up in the story which I would categorize as an urban fantasy horror tale While the genre is not normally my first choice Ms Barlow has created an interesting premise and I initially found myself caught up in the story. Peak book read online I say initially because about halfway through the story took an unexpected turn and slowed to a crawl losing all its energy as it lumbered to an ending that caused me to feel that the author had painted herself into a corner and this was the only way out The early promise of the book left similar to the slow release of air from a leaking balloon For those who have followed this trilogy through the first two books you will probably love this final chapter to the story of Jack While this could be a standalone coming in to the story at this point would put you way behind and I would recommend to start with the first book Bottom line talented author so I would definitely give her another chance and read her next book can be imaginative with a good start that didn t sustain all the way through Three stars. Peekaboo My thanks to NetGalley and Rare bird Books for a complimentary electronic copy of this book English ARC received from NetGalley Nothing about this series went the way I expected it to and that is not a criticism. Peak fantasy After facing off with cult leaders and mercenaries balanced on a knife s edge of cooperation with the race of immortal beings she is now a part of Jack sets her sights on a final kill the ancient being that has wrought so much pain and suffering around the world As Jack mobilizes for one final fight allies and enemies will rise and fall around her With everything she knows and trusts being threatened Jack faces one final desperate struggle to achieve the peace she has sought for so long But as the cost of victory begins to come due she will have to face the consequences of her own actions and confront the unexpected damage that follows in her wake and threatens the future of all she has tried to protect. Crimson peak book With Peak Barlow takes the scope of Jack Harper s story to new heights while also bringing us full circle concluding the story in much the same place it began As the stakes get ever higher and everything Jack once trusted becomes threatened Barlow weaves together the ties and threads that she has woven so effectively though the larger story Peak does take on a philosophical bend as Jack reckons with her place in the world and the larger forces that have always sought to shape her life but through it all she has been so much a weapon an operative and now an agent of dramatic change. Peak performance Everything rises or falls on Jack Harper and as Peak reaches its dramatic climax the conflict that has been building since the beginning will finally be decided Horror and dark fantasy coming of age story and an examination of good evil and self determination the Jack Harper trilogy is a bold and gripping story that reaches new heights with each installment It began with a pivot and now with Peak Barlow brings it all to a satisfying end English I would like to thank California Coldblood Books and Rare Bird Books and NetGalley for allowing me to read this ARC for free for an honest review Jack and Patrick team up together to find a cure for the disease Alex let loose on the world and also to destroy the Builder They have to kill it if they want to save the world I read the first two books so I had to read this one By the time I was halfway through it I just wanted to keep reading it so I d be done with this story Although there was a lot of action none of it did anything to keep me interested I felt like the author was tired of the story too Part of it was that I felt the story got a bit preachy in places Another thing was too many characters that didn t do a lot for the story such as Margaret Ven and half of Lutin s brothers And I guess they were meant to be different places but Domum and Beretrum just read Heaven and Hell to me The worst thing for me was that I couldn t envision the Builder It was a white creature whose body looked like a plastic statue The face was completely blank It was just some white plastic thing without a face which did nothing to frighten me English

Peak (Jack Harper Trilogy, 3) By L.C. Barlow
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Book peak
Peak (Jack Harper Trilogy, 3)I am a traditionally published author site_link a three book deal with California Coldblood Books Pivot Perish and Peak are the three novels of the Jack Harper Trilogy Pivot was featured in Kirkus July 2021 issue and Perish and Peak are Publishers Weekly editor s picks If you love thrillers I recommend checking them out In addition feel free to follow me on site_link BookBub at L. Peking garden comCheers Lindsey I am a traditionally published author site_link a three book deal with California Coldblood Books Pivot Perish and Peak are the three novels of the Jack Harper Trilogy Pivot was featured in Kirkus July 2021 issue and Perish and Peak are Publishers Weekly editor s picks If you love thrillers I recommend checking them out In addition feel free to follow me on site_link BookBub at L:You can read Tony s full review at Horror DNA by clicking here English A good conclusion to the Jack Harper Trilogy: Peak design Overall series rating 3 English Book 3 of the Jack Harper trilogy may not have been the best one I m really rating this book at 3: Peak bioboost C Barlow Books BookBub as well as to peruse my site_link Quora account or even email me at eternityinonehour gmail. Peking garden C Barlow Books BookBub as well as to peruse my site_link Quora account or even email me at eternityinonehour gmail[1]

You may well be a bigger fan of it than I.I will be interested to see what L.comCheers Lindsey site_link.