[Historical Fiction Book] ☆ The Angel of Grove Street: A Novel of the Darcys and Bennets PDF by Don H. Miller ¹ eBook or Kindle ePUB free

The Angel of Grove streetness

Mrs Bennet dies after learning that Lydia has eloped Lydia is not found as in canon Darcy leaves Netherfield when Pemberley has a fire and is gone for one year He returns for Jane s and Bingley s weddingso he was not instrumental in separating that couple The first half of the book has much to do with ODC However in this variation Darcy is even set in his belief that he cannot marry Elizabeth because of her family and her lack of connections and no dowry. Book The Angel of Grove streets Elizabeth has stepped into her mother s shoes and become the mistress of Longbourn However she also takes over much of her father s responsibilities and the estate improves Money is saved to provide a little in the way of dowries Georgiana and Kitty become great friends and this leads to a problem when G is going to finally come out and relatives do not approve of the friendship nor of Kitty s also being introduced into society Elizabeth spends some time in London for various reasons and many of Darcy s relatives not only find her to be an exceptional young lady with her intelligence.

The Angel of Grove Street Historical fictionmanai

Her beauty and her ease in society they also form the opinion that she is a match for Darcy and eventually berate him for letting the ton s opinions and rules get in the way of happiness. The Angel of Grove Street kindle The second half of the book relates all the other sisters finding their own matches in society Plus Lydia makes an appearance This half of the book is like a fairy taleevery one not only marries but also marries well and all are respected members of the societies in which they chose to navigate. The Angel of Grove Street ebookee I have no idea where the title comes in Grove Street was not mentioned in my version There is a charity for homeless young ladies that Mrs Gardiner and several of her nieces support but there was no mention of it begin located on Grove Street The title page inside the book is THE SISTERS OF LONGBOURNThe final pages did speak to my romantic side as we hear Mr Bennet s thoughts about his wife and the daughters she gave him Kindle Edition

The Angel of Grove Street: A Novel of the Darcys and Bennets By Don H. Miller
Kindle Edition
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This story is primarily about Darcy and Elizabeth.

The Angel of Grove streetman texas

And Mary finds love in an unexpected place The Angel of Grove Street A Novel of the Darcys and BennetsThe Angel of Grove Street: A Novel of the Darcys and BennetsIt almost didn t happenLeave it to Mr MIller to find yet another twist on the love story of Elizabeth Bennet and Mr Darcy Kindle Edition Disclaimer I did not finish this book It was utterly unreadable Anyone who got through it I salute you I made it through about 25% reading then to 50% by skimming and then I said No My problem with this book is simple While written by an author I have enjoyed in the past this title seems to have been written by a teenager or it is an authors first attempt at prose Some one said Write it don t say it Meaning there should be prose than dialog in a book This reads like a play without stage direction Almost every scene is merely dialog And that might be okay but the dialog is terrible I have pulled some excepts which you can see on the full review They appear to be written by someone who never heard a conversation let alone a Regency conversation Here is my version Person 1 Have you know Susan long Person 2 Yes we ve been friends for yearsHere is the book s versionPerson 1 Have you know Susan long Person 2 Yes we ve been friends for years Susan was born to a viscount and her mother was from trade Her father took to drink and she was raised by her grandmother when her grandmother died their house was sold to pay the creditors and Susan went into service where she served as governess to the Earl of Markey His third son from his first wife fell in love with her and the eloped to Gretna Green and were disinherited and now they own a tea shop in an alley off of Bond StreetMy next complaint is Lizzy Bennet in this book she is a total Mary Sue TOTAL Mary Sue She is beautiful.

Historical Fiction The Angel of Grove street fighter

An awe inspiring songstress and a champion of self defense as she is trained in throwing knives she is also the late Mr Darcy s secret god daughter and he has left her a secret fortuneDarcy is an unintentional parody of the character so obsessed with social s that he is almost frozen He is such a prig I stopped reading because it is obvious that somehow these two will end up married and I could not care less how it comes about Kindle Edition The Angel of Grove Street A Novel of the Darcys and BennetsDelightful story about our favorite couple Darcy and Elizabeth The relationship between the elder Darcy and Bennet confused both Darcy and Elizabeth until Dr Stewart handed Elizabeth the letter written for her Elizabeth had been at Pemberley many times.

The Angel of Grove Street Historical fictionmanai

Don H Miller was born and grew up in Iowa went to the University of North Carolina where he received a degree in Mathematics spent three years as a U. The Angel of Grove streetview + D in Mathematical Statistics from the University of Chicago spent three years as a college professor and then spent the rest of his working career as a research scientist working in various fields including naval operations research environmental impact analysis and command control and communications technology He is now retired enjoys golfing and writing and is the associate editor of the monthly newsletter of the community in which he now lives He has written twenty one novels in the genre of Jane Austen fan fiction. Book The Angel of Grove street pdf In this variation the Bennett sisters are without their father years before the story begins Lydia is missing Jane is married and out of the picture Mrs Bennett lives with her Dad The story is the tale of Lizzy Kitty and Mary Kitty and Mary are pleasant characters with growth and are lovely Lizzie however I wanted to strangle The lady doth protest too much over and over and over again The story also has a very very quick conclusion Kindle Edition Perfection has one grave defect it is apt to be dull W Somerset MaughamThe tone of this story was way off canon So for the purists be forewarned Also those who have an aversion to OOC out of character behavior this is a warning for you also These are not your Austen characters other than in name only I do not know one character that was true to canon So there read at your own discretion It was a long story however it was clean She s kind of a walking poem she s this perfect beauty but at the same time very deep very smart Johnny DeppThis Elizabeth was described as a paragon of every accomplishment and virtue known to women and a few of men She was perfect in everything superior intellect classic education singing playing of instruments composing music and lyrics languages knowledge of medical procedures etc In fact there were a few skills described at the beginning of the story that never appeared again along with the coachman keeping watch over her Now that would have been a scene to develop What was the benefit of pointing those out and never providing an opportunity for her to use said skill Or the coachman for that matter I was really looking forward to that I hate men who are afraid of women s strength Ana s Nin Henry and June From A Journal of Love The Unexpurgated Diary of Ana s NinThis Darcy was stubborn haughty and constantly repeating to himself and to anyone who would listen that Miss Elizabeth Bennet was beneath his social circle Dude we get it enough already If he wasn t saying it she was I am not sure I like either one of them Who were these people This story kept trudging on like the little engine that could Nothing seemed to deter the steady progress of the story except E overthinking what she truly wanted in life And then suddenly out of the blue Lydia arrived with a truly amazing although inappropriate story that she told in mixed company at the dinner table no less Anyway she told of her marriage to a Captain Martin their adventures on his sailing ship of his death and that he left her a rich widow I m still not clear on what actually happened to Wickham Was it Martin or Martine It was spelled both ways in the same paragraph A strong woman who recklessly throws away her strength she is worse than a weak woman who has never had any strength to throw away Thomas Hardy Tess of the D UrbervillesElizabeth made a statement at dinner that was so devastating to Darcy that he got up and left the dining room Dang I wanted to shake her It was like the author didn t know when it would be appropriate to have a private discussion between DE so she said her piece over dessert That was just wrong She left Pemberley the next morning Dang Woman is not made to be the admiration of all but the happiness of one Edmund BurkeEveryone everyone loved and admired Elizabeth and yet she had such a low opinion of herself that it became a joke Here she was berating her low status when everyone from the ton and high circles were courting her for her accomplishments She even had tea with the Queen and Princess for goodness sake Caroline Bingley would have slit her own brother s throat for that opportunity And yet Elizabeth downplayed it There were many PP characters that were mentioned but did not have page time or were give very little page time Much of it was a telling of what happened to them rather than showing It was mostly the back and forth between ED I just couldn t see their affection Elizabeth was a cold brick and Darcy was indifferent to her throughout most of the book We are talking into the 90% section before anything happens with DE Augh Talk about your frustration that was frustrating This was a nice attempt at a creative variation however it was poorly done There was no angst no problem for them to solve no dramatic scheme to overcome no love scenes or romance between ODC our dear couple and so it was dry toast The orchestra was playing and one of the instruments was badly out of tune The language was off the conversations were inappropriate detail was given that should not have been shared in mixed company very modern thoughts and feelings Elizabeth was ridiculous in her rejection of every proposal of marriage She was an automaton that kept repeating the same saying over and over and over again Darcy came across as a simpleton and was forever two steps behind everything that was going on I was determined to finish it I think editing could trim some of the excess repeating of scenes and dialogue Once you hear something is enough twice is too much and the third time you want to slit your own throat Kindle Edition 2. The Angel of Grove Street Historical fictionmanai 5 rounded up to 3 starsThis doesn t have a bad premise but the writing kind of gets in its own way with a LOT of redundancy and unnecessary information Many of the characters are frankly beyond belief starting with the heroine Here s the way it starts Elizabeth Bennet has been well known to the servants of Pemberley and many of the tenants around Lambton through her trips there with her father and then her aunt for years Mr Bennet and the now deceased Mr Darcy had been good friends In addition because she has spent a great deal of time in London singing at her uncle s bookstore pastry shop coffeehouse teahouse concert hall Elizabeth is known and admired by many in the ton She and Darcy meet at Pemberley when she arrives to seek the doctor who runs a clinic there. The Angel of Grove streetxy xt The story suffers from an Elizabeth Bennet who is insufferably perfect She s a lethal wielder of knives She s an accurate diagnostician and healer when there isn t a doctor handy She s fluent in several languages and an able bookkeeper She s beautiful graceful and personable She sings like an angel She s brilliant and knowledgeable about current events She s charitable and donates her time and energy to those less fortunate and encourages others to do the same She has a great sense of humor I m sure she has other attributes I ve not remembered to mention here Throughout the story no one seems to resent or feel jealous of her including her sisters who sing her praises along with everyone else. Book The Angel of Grove streets And yet she s absurdly immature and illogical in her attitude about marriage and her supposed lack of suitability as a wife She wants to marry for love and has turned down several marriage proposals even before we are introduced to her That s lovely but then she continues to find reasons not to marry even when she IS clearly in love with someone One of those whose proposal she declines in this story ends up encouraging her to marry someone else Huh Darcy is just as nonsensical although he doesn t hold out as long as Elizabeth Virtually everyone they know among their friends and relations realize they re perfect for each other but they re both really hung up on the difference between their social stations despite her acceptance by a good portion of the ton including the Queen Elizabeth no longer considers herself a gentlewoman because her father has died and she and her mother and sisters have been separated living with different relatives except Jane who is married although not to Bingley The Gardiners took Elizabeth in and since they re tradespeople Elizabeth technically has gone down a peg or two in the social order Darcy and Elizabeth both really cling to this despite her frequent interaction with and acceptance by the upper class. The Angel of Grove streetneedz The reader is consistently given the same information multiple times A character will have a fully explained thought then express it to another character and then recount it yet again one two or three additional times to other characters Different characters thoughts are overexplained rather than allowing their actions demonstrate their attitudes. The Angel of Grove Street epub reader The dialogue often gets repetitive as I just mentioned but it also sounds very stiff and unnatural Some of that is due to the redundancy but there is also awkward phrasing and sickly sweet exchanges between sisters and between friends that just aren t believable. Book The Angel of Grove street summary A character Lydia pops up in the midst of this with a wildly preposterous backstory and situation There are other far fetched storylines but that one is the farthest over the top. Book The Angel of Grove street fighter There is the kernel of a good story here but some unfortunate plot directions annoyingly flawless characters and repetition makes this a plodding and unsatisfying read Kindle Edition Lizzy is good at everything She begins to sing at the Gardiner cafe and volunteers at a charity Hope House She enjoys being a city girl She doesn t miss country life at all I have no problem with the direction she has chosen for her life But she is cold and rude to others when voicing her reasons for not wanting to live her life. The Angel of Grove streetman texas Eventually she is pursued by Darcy and and a duke to be They both want to marry her but she says no to both Unbelievably Queen Charlotte and the dukes mother hint strongly she should marry the duke to be She says no and no one takes umbrage or retaliates against her. The Angel of Grove streetness Eventually out of the blue She say yes to Darcy for reasons the story has previously shown to be untrue Totally unbelievable HEA Kindle Edition In reading some of the other reviews I am convinced I have a different novel with the same titleor it was re released by the author after he made some changes. The Angel of Grove streety roblox In the novel I read her wit but also includes much about Elizabeth s sisters Kitty Mary and Lydia Georgiana Darcy and Col Fitzwilliam are also featured in the story as well as some characters introduced in earlier books Darcy first meets Elizabeth at the beginning of the book when she is 22 and visits Pemberley Prior to the start of this story Mr Bennet died while looking for Lydia who had eloped with Wickham Thus Longbourn has been lost to the Bennet family through the entail on the estate The sisters except for Jane who has married are living with relatives Elizabeth now lives in London with her Uncle and Aunt Gardiner who are successful merchants and has come to love the varied life there in which she helps her uncle and aunt in their businesses volunteers at the aunt s favorite charity and sings at times in her aunt and uncle s caf To win Elizabeth Darcy must overlook the fact that she is now essentially living as the daughter of a merchant and Elizabeth who has so taken to her active and fulfilling life in London must decide if she is willing to leave it for the sedentary life of the mistress of a country estate Further Darcy is not the only one who comes to believe Elizabeth may be the perfect wife In addition to their story Lydia who had completely disappeared for two years returns with quite a tale to tell brilliant classically educated but Darcy was always at school Mr George Darcy was fascinated by Elizabeth s mental abilities wit education and kindness to all she met Being her godfather Mr Darcy started a fund for her early in her life that allowed her to give Kitty and Mary each a dowry and have quite a bit left over for herself Darcy was amazed that all of his servants knew and loved her and she them Darcy was fascinated by Elizabeth but his duty and honour prohibited a relationship with her or so he thought However forces were against him but when he finally decided to ask her to marry him Elizabeth refused and left Pemberley the next morning with Lydia Yes Lydia reappeared as Mrs Lydia Martin and not Mrs Lydia Wickham Long story but really good because Lydia s life changed dramatically after wicked Wickham left her with the ship s captain Mr Martin Lydia wanted revenge for what Wickham had done especially for the death of her father At eighteen she becomes a rich widow and an asset to her Uncle Gardiner s business Elizabeth also refused another marriage offer from Lord Daniel Weatherstone the younger son of a Duke and Duchess Weatherstone finally understands when Elizabeth explained why she could not marry him He rushes to his friend Darcy and explains why he must go to Elizabeth now She realizes that she loves Darcy and cannot imagine living without his love In the end although she loved the city girl she had become she really remained a country girl after all loving her husband and Pemberley This Elizabeth was certainly well educated and gifted Loved her spunky attitude Loved the Matlocks in this story but not so much Judge Darcy No Caroline Bingley or Bingley for that matter but didn t miss them Jane was happily married before her father s death and Lydia s foolish mistake Mary also makes a wonderful match Hope there will be a sequel since the results of Georgiana and Kitty s coming out was left hanging The hidden relationship between George Darcy and Thomas Bennet was well explained in the letter Elizabeth received Kindle Edition Wonderful Yet another enjoyable to read and wonderful variation inspired by author Jane Austen s classic Pride and Prejudice by Don H Miller Kindle Edition A delightful variation of Pride and Prejudice The Angel of Grove Street shows us a very strong and independent Elizabeth who after the death of her father at the news of Lydia s elopement with Wickham transitions from country girl to a woman of the city Living with Kitty at the wealthy Gardiners after Jane s marriage to a doctor Elizabeth devotes her time to working at and to singing to help fund Hope House a charity for homeless girls This charity remains dear to Elizabeth s heart after Lydia s disappearance two years previously But while Elizabeth catches the eye of two suitors of the Ton Darcy and a young Earl she remains too scornful of the Ton and too independent to marry either man good though they may be And the story rolls on from there I was pleasantly surprised to find that this very well written variation was written by a male author and I was further pleased to come across a nice long list of previous Austen variations written by Don Miller I think I will be reading many of them in the future Kindle Edition.

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